Lista 50 najlepszych Theme Songów w WWE wg. WWE

Na początku chciałbym przeprosić za brak raportu z WWE Superstars z zeszłego tygodnia.
O to pełna lista.

50. Tazz “13”
49. Too Cool “U Look Fly 2 Day”
48. Drew McIntyre “Broken Dreams”
47. The Shield “Special Op”
46. Steve Blackman “Drums in the Night”
45. Prime Time Players “Making Moves”
44. Maven “Tatoo”
43. Ken Shamrock “The Ultimate”
42. The Miz “I Came To Play”
41. Jake “The Snake” Roberts “Snake Bit”
40. Goldberg “Invasion”
39. The Oddities “Oddities”
38. Brock Lesnar “Next Big Thing”
37. Vader “Mastodon”
36. Sheamus “Written in my Face”
35. Legion of Doom “What a Rush”
34. The Wyatt Family “Live in Fear”
33. Booker T “Rap Sheet”
32. C.M. Punk “Cut of Personality”
31. Christian “At Last”
30. Big Show “Crank It Up”
29. Evolution “Line in the Sand”
28. Mankind “Wreck”
27. John Cena “Basic Thuganomics”
26. Goldust “Gold Lust”
25. Batista “Walk Alone”
24. Mr. Perfect “Perfection”
23. Mark Henry “Some Bodies Gonna Get It”
22. Dusty Rhodes “Common Man Boogie”
21. C.M. Punk “This Fire Burns”
20. D Generation-X “Are You Ready?”
19. Chris Jericho “Break the Walls Down”
18. Ultimate Warrior “Unstable”
17. Randy Savage “Pomp and Circumstance”
16. Kurt Angle “Medal”
15. John Cena “The Time is Now”
14. “The Million Dollar Man” Ted Dibiase “It’s All About the Money”
13. Kane “Burned”
12. Honky Tonk Man “Cool, Cocky, Bad.”
11. The Brood “Blood”
10. Randy Orton “Voices”
9. Shawn Michaels “Sexy Boy”
8. Triple H “The Game”
7. Ric Flair “Also Sprach Zatathustra”
6. The Rock “Electrifying”
5. The Undertaker “Graveyard Symphony”
4. Mr. McMahon “No Chance in Hell”
3. Edge “Metalingus”
2. “Stone Cold” Steve Austin “Hell Frozen Over”
1. Hulk Hogan “Real American”

A teraz słów kilka ode mnie.
WTF?? Theme song Hogana na 1 miejscu??
Theme Songi Punka i The Shield tak daleko??
Podobnie z Theme Songami The Wyatt Family i Basic Thuganomics.
moja lista wyglądałby z lekka inaczej ale nie ja to tworzyłem

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