WIF Easton,PA 24/08/2013: Wyniki

Poniżej przedstawiamy wyniki z WIF, które odbyło się w The Charles Chrin Palmer, Easton.

Oto wyniki:

Tag Team Match
Mr. Azerbaijan & The Proletariat Boar Of Moldova def. The Colony (assailANT & Green Ant).

Singles Match
Jaka (w/Sidney Bakabella) def. Frightmare.

Tag Team Match
3.0 (Scott Parker & Shane Matthews) def. Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream Jr).

6 Man Tag Team Matxh
The Baltic Seige (The Estonian ThunderFrog, The Latvian Proud Oak & The Lithuanian Snow Troll) def. The Batiri (Kobald, Kodama & Obariyon).

Tag Team Match
The Devastation Corporation (Flex Rumblecrunch & Max Smashmaster) (w/Sidney Bakabella) def. The Spectral Envoy (Hallowicked & UltraMantis Black).

Singles Match
Heidi Lovelace def. Portia Perez.

Singles Match
Dasher Hatfield def. Mark Angelosetti.

Singles Match
Shynron def. Juan Francisco de Coronado (w/Herbert).

WIF! Banana Title Match
Amasis (c) def. Oleg The Usurper (w/Sidney Bakabella).

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