WWE World Tour TAIPEI, TAIWAN 6/07/2013: Wyniki

#1 The Great Khali & Yoshi Tatsu def. Epico & Primo 

#2 Wade Barrett def. Zack Ryder (06:19)

#3 Curtis Axel def. The Miz i zachował IC Champ (19:58)

#4 Natalya def. Aksana via submission (06:30)

#5 Chris Jericho def. Antonio Cesaro via submission (15:02)

#6 Sheamus def. Dean Ambrose (DQ) The Shield Interfered the match (09:39)

#7 Sheamus , Daniel Bryan & Kane def. The Shield (22:51)

#8 John Cena def Ryback in Table Match i zachował WWE Championship (09:14) ; Cena wygrał po wykonaniu AA .

Most popular:

1. Chris Jericho 
2. John Cena 
3. Daniel Bryan

Most heated:

1. Dean Ambrose 
2. Curtis Axel 
3. Antonio Cesaro

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