1) Chase Brown def. Smith James
(2) Chip Day def. Robyn Golphin, Joe Black, and Raymond King po wykonaniu spinning heel kick i zdobył SuperHEX Title.
(3) Cedric Alexander def. Mr. Elite po wykonaniu brainbuster.
'' Pro Wrestling EVO champ Zack Salvation detailed over two years of injuries leading to a bout of Bell's Palsy. He announced his retirement and vacated the title. Great farewell from a great talent.''
(4) Billy Brash & Zane Riley def. Eli Evans & Ethan Case.
(5) Caleb Konley def. Mark Briscoe przez submission
(6) Angelina Love def. Amber O'Neal po wykonaniu running boot
(7) Main Event: ROH World champion Jay Briscoe def. Evo 8 winner Corey Hollis in a non-title match. (The ROH Title nie zmieniło właściciela.) Jay wygrał po wykonaniu J-Driller.
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