TOP 10 Chikara Matches

Poniżej przedstawiamy listę 10 najlepszych pojedynków według mati'ego.

10.The Colony (Green and Carpenter Ant), Dasher Hatfield, Lince Dorado, and Colt Cabana vs. 2.0 and the Unstable - Hiding in Plain Sight, September 13th, 2009

9. The Colony (Fire and Soldier Ant) vs. Osirian Portal - Revelation X - January 25th, 2009

8. Player Uno vs. Player Dos -Young Lion's Cup VII Night 2, August 15th, 2009

7. Cheech & Cloudy vs. FIST (Icarus and Gran Akuma) - Rey de Voladores - April 22nd, 2007
 photo ReydeVoladores.jpg

6. Mike Quackenbush vs. Claudio Castagnoli - Negative Balance - August 13th, 2005

5. Cheech & Cloudy vs. The Olsen Twins (Jimmy and Colin) - Cibernetico and Robin - September 22nd, 2007

4. Torneo Cibernetico II - Cibernetico Returneth - October 22nd, 2005

3. Jigsaw vs. Gran Akuma - Throwing Life's Instructions Away, November 21st, 2009
 photo throwinglife.jpg

2. Fire Ant vs. Vin Gerard - Young Lion's Cup VI Night 3 - June 15th, 2008

1. Chuck Taylor vs. Ricochet - Here Come the International Invaders: 2nd Stage - August 18th, 2007

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